Innovation Magz Innovation Magz Author
Title: Burger King's ASL For The Deaf Community
Author: Innovation Magz
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VIDEO [CC] - Deaf News: #WhopperSign - Burger King's finally speaks, by signing, for American Sign Language Day near Gallaudet Universit...
VIDEO [CC] - Deaf News: #WhopperSign - Burger King's finally speaks, by signing, for American Sign Language Day near Gallaudet University campus.

WASHINGTON DC -- Burger King asks fans to come up with a Whopper sign by Tim Nudd. The days when he would pop up, unannounced, in your bed in the morning, Burger King's King character has never actually spoken a single word, preferring to let his creepily silent visage speak for him. But now, to celebrate National American Sign Language Day, the King is speaking up by signing.

And he's asking BK fans to come up with an official sign for the Whopper sandwich. #WhopperSign.

"The Burger King brand is built not only on including everyone, but celebrating everyone," Fernando Machado, the fast-food chain's svp of global brand management, said in a statement. "National ASL Day felt like a perfect opportunity for the King to extend our brand mantra and engage with the ASL community on such a great day."

It also has the King interpreting a recent TV spot in ASL, as you can see below.

BK has also created an ASL version of its logo, and is making a scholarship donation benefiting students who are dedicating their studies to ASL language and interpretations. SOURCE

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